Weiran Lin

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Group-based Robustness: A General Framework for Customized Robustness in the Real World
W Lin, K Lucas, N Eyal, L Bauer, MK Reiter, M Sharif
NDSS 2024
paper code talk

Adversarial Training for Raw-Binary Malware Classifiers
K Lucas, S Pai, W Lin, L Bauer, MK Reiter, M Sharif
paper code

Constrained Gradient Descent: A Powerful and Principled Evasion Attack Against Neural Networks
W Lin, K Lucas, L Bauer, MK Reiter, M Sharif
ICML 2022
paper code talk

Measuring the Impact of HTTP/2 and Server Push on Web Fingerprinting
W Lin, S Reddy, N Borisov
MADWeb 2019

Mobile Platform for Multiplexed Detection and Differentiation of Disease-Specific Nucleic Acid Sequences, Using Microfluidic LoopMediated Isothermal Amplification and Smartphone Detection
W Chen, H Yu, F Sun, A Ornob, R Brisbin, A Ganguli, V Vemuri, P Strzebonski, G Cui, KJ Allen, SA Desai, W Lin, DM Nash, DL Hirschberg, I Brooks, R Bashir, BT Cunningham
Analytical chemistry 2017

Multiplexed detection of infectious diseases with microfluidic loop-mediated isothermal amplification and a smartphone
F Sun, W Chen, H Yu, A Omob, R Brisbin, A Ganguli, V Vemuri, P Strzebonski, G Cui, KJ Allen, SA Desai, W Lin, DM Nash, DL Hirschberg, I Brooks, R Bashir, BT Cunningham
HI-POCT 2017